Customer Journey: What influenced one Aged Care facility’s decision on their cleaning system?

The needs of every customer is always different. Some clients require a way to improve infection control, some are looking to manage their cleaners more efficiently and others might be simply looking to upgrade their microfibre cleaning systems.

Justin Wilshaw - Head of Hospitality

Justin Wilshaw - Head of Hospitality

We chatted with Justin Wilshaw who came to us while his company was going through a transformational stage and spent over 3 years to find the best cleaning system that worked for them.

Hear from Justin:

“We chose to roll out a digital cleaning management system because we were serious about improving the quality of service we provide to our residents. iClean allowed all of our cleaning staff and managers across all of our sites to measure where they were succeeding, where there was room for improvement, and see where they stood in comparison to the other sites. The system really allowed us to transparently look at what was happening on each of our sites and help each particular site with their own specific needs.

Using a digital system allowed us to change the way we rostered our staff, now that we had a better understanding of how long it really takes to clean a site and helped us to achieve some very significant efficiency savings. It also highlights who on our team is doing an outstanding job, and where additional training is required.

It’s made my job so much easier and allows me to have confidence that we really are delivery the best possible outcomes.”

Working with our clients to discover what their solutions are is a process that Bill Bassett, MD of the Interclean Group, places value on. It’s in the unpacking of current systems, mapping out sequencing and tracking of data that enables our clients to actually see the real time footprint of their cleaning management models.

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“You Cant Manage What You Can’t Measure”

Residents are coming into aged care facilities older and mostly frailer and certainly more susceptible to infection, outbreaks and sickness. Providing a full cleaning system that is focused on saving lives through science based cleaning is what IMS was able to deliver.

If you’re ready to start your journey of discovering better ways to manage your cleaning, staff and outcomes, Interclean Managed Services is ready to help.

Want to learn how scientists are educating others to keep facilities clean? Click on the below iClean Conference buttons and register for a FREE login to watch the below sessions.

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What COVID-19 is teaching us.

Prof Didier Pittet - Hear from Professor Pittet on what he and his team have been discovering about COVID-19 during the current global pandemic and how we can use that data to wisely proceed forward into helping stop the spread of infections in our healthcare facilities.

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What science do we have to prove our disinfection is effective?

Prof. Karen Vickery - This session focuses on the scientific evidence that is helping us discover what you can do now to validate the effectiveness of your cleaning programs and bring us back to some basic truths.


5 Things To Help Your Cleaning In A Covid Emergency Environment


Customer Focus: The Hospitality Suite