Why join the iClean Conference Community?

When our world enters into a pandemic emergency crisis, you want to be connected to sources of information that bring clarity and direction on what’s happening in your field of work. Working on the front line of infection prevention in our healthcare facilities means that there is no room for error to ensure the safety of our patients, residents and staff.

The iClean 2020 conference was incredibly timed, by chance, to meet the emerging needs of healthcare facilities around the world needing assistance and education surrounding the issues of Covid-19.

One attendee shares her thoughts on what being a part of the iClean Community has meant to her professionally.

Bronwyn McLaws
HITsa Training and Employment

I love the space of Infection Control and it is hard to find a source of knowledge with so many different experts and leaders in this industry, but also with a cleaning flavour, however, this conference was absolutely the place to find it. Not only did the online platform work smoothly, it was out of this world professional, I was amazed at the international experts and leaders in their field who were a part of this conference. I loved how each speaker customised the current COVID crisis, and helped us see how we can move forward and make better changes to make lives safer, whether we be a Healthcare worker or a part of a cleaning team or management in a Healthcare facility, all could benefit. The virtual EXPO was fantastic and I loved being able to have live chats and questions answered.

If you are in a space that is Healthcare, cleaning and especially if you are in management of either, you simply must stay plugged into Interclean and its associated training platforms. I see them as world leaders in this drive to keep lives safe in this particular space.

What was your conference highlight?

Being able to access international, science-backed information from experts in their field. When training I need to be able to present information that is truthful and based on validated information.

I loved the conference, I could view it from my lounge room and it was just what I needed to start planning my cleaning training moving forward. Can't wait for next year!

Bronwyn McLaws HITsa Training and Employment

Bronwyn McLaws
HITsa Training and Employment


For a limited time we are giving free access to the iClean 2020 Conference Sessions and online Exhibition. We are continuing to add content to the iClean Conference online experience to help our community through this season. Joining the community will give you unlimited access to the site and notification on all news and conference updates.


COVID Cleaning Plans, Research & Development


Managing Your Facilities Infectious Cleans With The Hospitality Suite